Saturday, September 16, 2006

1st Sock

Thursday night was SOCK CLASS!
Yes, I am now making my first pair of socks! I'm so excited. I got home just before 9:00 pm, (in time to tune in Greys Anatomy) and knit for a little bit. The yarn for these yummy socks is Fly Dyed - Hand Dyed Yarns - Monarch - Shades of Teal, Fly Super Sport, 3-ply, Machine washable Merino Wool (I love all things Machine washable). I love this yarn!

The color doesn't show true in this picture. This was the first night after sock class and a little knitting when I got home. (Yes Rick, that's as far as I got!)

This is the second night - Friday. You can see the true color much better here. What a difference a little natural light makes.

Just after this picture I finished my homework (knit to the length I wanted and be ready for the heel), so until next Thursday night (my next sock class) I'm back to my Chocolate Cardigan.

My Cardigan is coming along. I now have the back done and the Left front side. I'm working on the Right side now and should have it completed next week, if all goes well. (Meaning I don't start knitting on some other project!)

I started the Green Gable (in a dark Pine Cone Brown - Cotton Fleece) and I'm just 2 rounds away from finishing the top lacy part. I'm bouncing back and forth because one is easier to tote with me for quick knitting moments. Pictures will follow sometime this weekend - AFTER, we get the garage cleaned up. The garage sale stuff has still not found all new homes, and we must complete this task. Rick is going nuts not having "his" garage clean. And I must admit, I want to start parking in the garage if at all possible.

Knit on!


Blogger Lauri said...

Your sock looks great!! I just love the yarn :-) I can't wait to see how your GG progresses! (I really need to get started on mine.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I'm proud of you, too!!! Love them!

8:29 PM  

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